If you like this project and wish to show your support, please be generous and give me a LIKE & SHARE https://www.instagram.com/loveourdogscalendar/ and https://www.facebook.com/loveourdogs

If you like the illustrations in the calendar, kindly support artist Mel and give a LIKE & SHARE https://www.instagram.com/paintinks_by_melt/ and https://www.facebook.com/Paintinks.by.melt
Here's a preview of all the pages. COVID19 is turning the world upside now and all of us on earth are adapting and even creating new ways to live our lives. Hopefully, one thing will remain the same - and that is a man's pure heart and soul, that we still know our basic morals - love and respect one another and all living creatures.
Hope you and all of your 4-legged friends will keep Safe and Healthy, Happy & Positive!